Since last Sunday afternoon, I have smacked out ten and a half pages. That's astounding. And they don't look all that sucky either. I've taken full use of my digital camera to create instant reference photos, and they will be preserved for the sake of comedy. No one would recognize me in the subsequent drawings as most of the pictures were for female character, and I didn't draw my beard.
According to the baby book, we are now, finally, certainly, and absolutely at the beginning of the third trimester. We are at 27 weeks. Your Sister suspects the downward pressure she feels is because her hips haven't widened yet. She also has a girl name she's holding onto like a life jacket. She also suggested a decent boy name to which I struggle to object. She may have picked the winner.
There are calls for snow today and tonight, and that's a problem for the school. Tuesday is the rescheduled day for the state writing test. The county got a break from the state to move it back to March 23 based on snowfall problems. Even a two-hour delay tomorrow could wreck that plan, and the test would need to move again. Whatever snow we get is supposed to be gone by Wednesday, and that's some comfort for Mom as she plans to come up for the baby appointment. She wants to lay eyes on Your Sister in person, to truly believe she'll be a grandmother.
Internet Gadget of the Day
Behold The Emergency Yodel Button.