The actor prospect declined to join the show, citing scheduling conflicts and passively admitting he didn't like it. I've put out the call for an actor, and I dread the likelihood that I'll play the part.
This makes two consecutive shows that had casting issues with guys. The previous show was supposed to be a sex farce, and I was called about four times about it. I was even petitioned by the theatre president to audition. I did my anthology comic instead. But if I had auditioned the show still would have needed two other guys. That show was replaced by a cemetery comedy for women, and nothing better encapsulates the theatre's problem: There is no young blood, and the majority of willing actors are women.
The next show scheduled is Rainmaker. That requires, I think, seven guys. I was hopeful that a casting campaign could reel in enough actors. Now, that show is in deep jeopardy. I don't know how the theatre can feasibly continue without cutting the number of shows in half and spreading them throughout a year. That way, the few willing actors can avoid burnout.
I was hoping this show could salvage my theatre joy after the Scrooge disaster. This beginning is troubling.
Picture of the Day
The first show of the fall is scheduled to be Bell Book and Candle, a romantic witchcraft comedy. The script calls for a live cat onstage. We can't even get HUMANS onstage.
Also? Those eyebrows are worthy of an alien overlord.
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