Letters to Holly

Friday, July 22

Star Wars Blu-Ray Preview

We'll get the first three films for sure, probably not the prequels.


holly said...

thank you for all your input! I just played an infamous2 for an hour on my used playstation 3 on a flat screen tv the size of the monitors in the OR for laproscopic procedures. I even instaled everything myself! wohoooo! many thanks from this budding surgeon.

Gregory said...

If it's hooked up the interwebs, we could schedule online game times. If we have mics, we can talk through the game systems.

holly said...

i share my upstairs neighbor's wifi. will it pick up the wifi?

Gregory said...

It will. We used wifi for ours before moving the router and wiring it up. It can connect automatically or via manual controls using Settings > Network Settings.

holly said...

great. done. i'll try to get a mike today.