Because we're predicted to get big-mama storms starting, perhaps, today, I planted the rest of the seeds. These are actual seeds, mind you, not transplants from the high school. We picked out corn, pumpkins, a squash medley, and sunflowers. I demanded sunflowers. Pop had them, and I always liked them.
Things I learned when researching the plants:
1) Squash basically grows itself. You slam it in the ground and leave it alone.
2) Pumpkins take up a lot of root space and require hills to grow in. I had leftover mounds from the potatoes (And we're growing orphan potatoes from what didn't die in the fall. We've sprouted tater plants.)
3) Corn is going to be the hardest plant to grow to ripeness. Bugs, sickness, and birds will attack it always.
4) Cucumbers die pretty easily, as our vines are yellow and pale.
It took about two hours to finish the garden, and it really is finished now. There's no more room to plant more (unless I replace the cucumbers), and now I'm trying out watering patterns with the just-too-small rainbow sprinkler. But the rain this week will let me sleep later before work.
It's our jailhouse-iversary today, and we're going out for din-din. This means that today, three years ago, you and I became in-laws.
Picture of the Day
A Martian sunset seen from the Spirit rover.
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