Letters to Holly

Monday, February 1

Snowed In

Your Sister called me Friday afternoon to say it was snowing at home, and it was piling up. I left work immediately. As soon as I reached my car in the parking lot, the snow shower fell. It got bad quickly, and the drive was slow. Our back road was covered when I arrived, and I had a tough time getting up the hill. Had I been a half-hour later, the car wouldn't have made it.

We sat out the storm. We got about eight inches of snow before the sleet came down. Today, the road is a sheet of ice. Your Sis was itchy to move, and she swept a trail to the mailbox Saturday. Sunday, we scraped and shoveled the area around the car (alongside the road, just like before).We lost the satellite Saturday under the pile of white, and it came back Sunday morning after an early melt. I thought I'd have to go on the roof.

We caught up on our recorded shows -- Fringe, This Old House, Jeopardy -- and some work. She plotted out her semester, which now includes a Saturday school day. I am plotting one of my mincomics for the convention, and I just signed up for another anthology due in May. I'm doing four pages on the medieval-fantasy genre, and I have no idea what I'll do yet. But I can do that and my two convention minicomics. I know I can. I also posted my first journal comic today. The host site requires registration, so I'll post each week's comics here at one time.

Your Sister holds out hope for a daughter, and she has in hand the name she wants. She may try to change Roo's gender through mind power. I fear she can do it and then move on to my feeble brains. My Mom strangely requested we not name Roo with initials (DJ, AC, etc.). We hadn't considered it.

Picture of the Day
I'll build her an Iron Man armor to help her make it through the work days. Also I'll have serious hair.

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