Letters to Holly

Thursday, February 8

Sushi and Comics

I made my house-famous stir-fry last night, and we ate it using the sushi bowl set Your Sis got me for Christmas. I discovered we still have sushi rice leftover, and that immediately reminded me of the "It's a Wonderful Tuna" night we had. I'm hesitant to make sushi again because I'm sure it can't be as good as what you made. We polished off the merlot last night, making a suddenly spooky four straight nights of alcohol. That's not a pattern this Irish-German-Cherokee needs to establish.

"Lost" was good last night, thank God. Time and a weak fall run has made me suspicious of the show's direction. This new episode had definite movement and development, and that's what we loyalists need. Once again, Sawyer brings the pop-culture references, and he and Kate recreated the Star wars prison rescue.

I talked to the guy who published the comics anthologies again, and I'm in early talks to make another short comic for Free Comic Boom Day. This is a new annual event where publishers and stores hand out special issues. It used to coincide with a summer blockbuster comic-movie adaptation, but this year, I think the day falls between such releases. Regardless, I'm gonna make another comic story in addition to the mini-comics I'm making for him to sell at conventions.

Picture of the Day
It's a small closet made to look like a socket. In college, I had a fridge made to look like a bank vault.

1 comment:

Gregory said...
