Three things to add to the previous post:
1) There were a lot more women attending this year. I'd say the gender ratio is 65/35 now, a vast improvement over previous years. The ages were varied, and I noticed more female creators. There were some costumed folk but nothing on the scale of Atlanta's DragonCon.
2) I narrowly avoided acknowledging a guy who stalked me in high school. We met through a mutual friend, and apparently he switched from shadowing that guy to me. Just wouldn't leave me alone. He knew my class schedule and was there virtually every time I turned around. I had to give him an ultimatum. Figures, the first time I'm the one to break up with someone, it's a guy. He was at the show, but I'm not sure he recognized me. He looked the same however.
3) Turns out, the Sandman sketch I did was for one of the message board people I didn't get to meet later. We had no idea. He saw my convention comments on that board and identified himself and had the photo of me with his son. Again, the odds are astronomical.
I ran my fastest 5k yet at 27:24. My feet are hurting this morning. If the weather holds out, I'll do yard work tonight. The potato plants are getting so tall that they're falling over. This may be a sign they need more stabilizing soil. I can't tell if the scattered yellow leaves means the plants are ready for harvesting or they're receiving too much water. It has rained a lot here.
Your Sis had a full first day at the conference, and she called to say good night around 11.
Picture of the Day
The pic of me after the sketch.
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