Pets were fine yesterday. Nothing major to report. Your Parents are getting a new curb. I saw the mold setting yesterday. Looks nice.
Your Sis made a lamb keemba (an Indian chili) last night, and we got soused on pear wine made by a fellow teacher. The bottle was a year old, but it lost no potency. We watched Colbert and Jeopardy and discussed our Washington vacation. We had to bump DragonCon to next year, and we'll squeeze in a small vacation for this Labor Day in its stead.
Your Sis is in Ashevegas with me today, and I started the day by buying her coffee. We might catch Cyrano tonight in the outdoor theatre. I look forward to hearing how they mangled the play to shoehorn in trendy, inappropriate comedy.
Picture of the Day
Ah, GI Joe package art from the early '80s. It gives me a warm glowing glow.
I'm excited for your DC get-away...and have been thinking that I would love to see you for a day or two... of course, it is a mini-moon for you kids, but if you wouldn't mind me doing some of the isghts of DC with you, and then crashing with my DC friends...
oh, and since I'm hitting you up for stuff...I'm putting together a bier garten benefit for an organization I work with, and was wondering if you might have the time or desire to do a quick sketch of a St Pauli girl type beer wench/fraulein, somehow paired with the group's logo, which is just the sign for woman ( circle with crossed stick). You can, of course, say NO!
Yeah, I can do a sketch. When do you need it?
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