Letters to Holly

Monday, July 30


Because of Belle Chere, we got out of work early, and I zipped through the house checklist. Kempas was pissed that she didn't get more face time. I got home early enough that we caught the fourth Die Hard at the local theatre. It's good. Maybe the best sequel. Definitely better than the second, but much slicker than the third.

I ran Saturday morning for the first time in two weeks, and boy did it feel like it. Also, it rained. It rained all weekend, so I was very glad we had no intention of attending Belle Chere. I took pictures of Your Sis for new drawing material in the below style. We had a disappointing supper at a local place (they served up buffalo wings by giving me the fried wings separate from the sauce). We watched the commentary track for the Chicago DVD and did the same the next night for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, yet another quality Robert Downey Jr. film no one saw.

Pictures of the Day

I stumbled onto a new art style. I was working on a self-portrait for a new mix CD. Unlike my usual PC artwork, I worked in b/w. It was more of a drawing than a painting. Illustrator allows you to use a pencil tool that can create shapes. You can then assign those objects an interior color and a border color. This is the drawing with no filled objects. There are shapes, but they are empty.

And when I had finished, I flipped the interior art/outline assignments. It gave the artwork a more organic look, and it was surprising. I hadn't noticed the potential of the style before. It wasn't automatically complete; I had to adjust the color assignments further to make a cohesive picture, but it became something I hadn't made before. I think I can sell this. I think I can make actual art with this.

In the (Geek) News
San Diego's Comicon is over, and these are the biggest mainstream bits:

+ Bootleg footage of the Iron Man trailer. This is what it's like to watch video at a con.
+ The teaser for the Batman Begins sequel.
+ A small marketing video for the Indiana Jones 4 film also introduces a returning face to the franchise. The revelation is about 3 minutes in:

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