Letters to Holly

Friday, November 2

Biding Time

I spent a healthy chunk of time Thursday running my lines. I came up with a few new mnemonic devices so the cue switch in Act One can't happen again. I'm eager more than anxious. I'm itchy to get started with this run. I need a clean run to calm down a bit, and I haven't had that. I've always dropped at least one line, even if it was insignificant to the other person. I woke up this morning with the lines in my head. I said them in the shower, in the commute, and sitting at my desk. I haven't had this large a speaking role since, wow, it's been almost ten years. One of the Neil Simon's, it had to be. I feel like I can have a clean performance tonight, and let's be frank, I have to. We have paying customers out there.

The theatre released its "review" to the newspaper, but it's in truth a press release designed to name all the actors. It's written by someone associated with the theatre, and I don't think I've been introduced to them. Doc was given the highest kudos, and he would deserve them even if we were only talking about his commute. He's worked hard for this show, and I'm glad to see the work come this far and to this solid a point. He's a great counter to what I'm trying to do onstage.

Your Parents see the show Saturday, and mine see it Sunday. I've ordered a DVD of our performance (I think we tape tomorrow), and I hope to get it before the end of the month.

Official play website

The Last Rehearsals
Countdown: Two Rehearsals
Extra Drama
Countdown: Three Rehearsals
Countdown: Four Rehearsals
Countdown: Five Rehearsals
Countdown: Six Rehearsals
Countdown: Seven Rehearsals
Clock is Ticking
My Big Speech
Punching a Cop Is Bad, Right?

Act Two Redux
Friday Through Sunday
Getting Serious
Our First Friday
Act Three Lines
Dusting Off Act One
Line Trouble
End of Second Week
'Go and Do Likewise, Gents'
Script Work
Walking and Talking
Marking the Floor


First Night
Second Night
Third Night
Fourth Night

Moving Picture of the Day

100 Movies, 100 Numbers. It's addictive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

break a leg!