Letters to Holly

Friday, May 9

Back to the Paint

We met at the local dessert bakery for the company's open house. This is the bakery that -- cruelly, brilliantly -- moved next door to the gym. It's previous location was bought out for a blockwide building that has yet to be built. A lot of businesses were displaced, and suspicions continue that the condos will be overpriced and the offices will sit empty. The bakery owners weren't thrilled, but this party was to mark their one-year anniversary in the new place. I put in an order for eight éclairs for My Parents. Mom always loved them, and Dad needs calories. I'm driving down to see them Sunday.

I painted for almost two hours before Lost last night. The notion about moving clockwise faded as my eye drifted right and up. I just followed the paint.

I'm getting closer to the finish. Maybe within three hours or so. I really need to redo the corners.

This is the red pepper in the top center of the painting. I love my red pepper. This is the most artistic part of the whole work. I'm going to stroll the Woolworth gallery in downtown during my lunch break today. Even though this painting isn't even finished, I'm thinking about setting up a booth to hawk my feeble wares. I intend to lowball my prices and skunk the overpriced crap they sell there.

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