Letters to Holly

Monday, May 19


We hosted Kathy and Travis on Friday for a cookout. I showed them the painting --- wait, I gotta rant here.

I went to two Michael's stores on Friday and Saturday, and neither one would help me with framing. I couldn't get the frame people to even make eye contact with me as I stood at each counter with a 12 x 16 canvas in my hand. I even leaned over to look at the samples Velcroed to the wall. . Fuck them. I'll go with another store. Had their chance. Blew it.

Anyway, I told them during the meal about listening to Fight Club commentaries during the painting. This lead to me reciting the film and we cleared the table and watched the DVD. We got almost to the end before Your Sis started to nod off, and we packed it up.

Kathy asked me about running in next week's 5k, and I told her I had considered it, but didn't really plan on it. She's running, and wanted a running partner on Saturday for practice. I agreed to it, and we met at 8 a.m. to run the course. She asked me beforehand to cuss at her for motivating during the hard parts but I didn't have the nerve. When she was too pooped to run, she was gasping. We stopped often, but finished within 45 minutes. This is the first run designed around the Music Center, and the final leg is paved cruelty. It's a steep, steep hill right before the end. I felt OK when we finished. So well, in fact, that I drove home and ran another mile just to get it all out of me. I'll run twice this week before the Saturday morning race. I admit, I'm a smidgen torn on the race. I want to run it at my speed, but I don't want to abandon Kathy; I'm running to get her through it. But I know I can race up that last hill.

Your Sis and I went to Asheville to shop at a jewelry store. On the way, we spied a jet fighter buzzing the airport over and over. She got emotional over it -- nostalgia and glee mixed together. The jewelry store was a bust, unfortunately, but we found something else that might do the trick: a new car stereo. We found Best Buy's bank of samples, including a stereo with a USB jack. I happened to have mine with me, and we plugged it in and activated the speakers. Out streamed the entrance music to the Dan Savage sex-advice podcast, and we immediately yanked out the drive out. Her eyes lit up over this stereo, and I think she's locked in on it. We might get her new speakers too.

We watched Iron Man, and she loved it. She chirped like a kid more than a few times. I got your check and letter when we got back. Don't panic. I will still take her to the restaurant for a meal.

We made another friendship cake on Sunday, and I started checking the research papers. They suck. The kids aren't using basic Word options to fix grammar and spelling. Inexcusable. I read my third script and now have three more to read in eight days. I can do that.

We watched the Saturday horse race from the TiFaux, and, thankfully, no horse died this time. I also watched the Cleveland/Boston basketball game while proofing papers.

Picture of the Day

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