Letters to Holly

Thursday, August 28

Almost Ready

We both rushed home to check the floors. Everything was dry, and we breathed a sigh of relief.

Your Sis is finishing up the costumes. She's sewing holster straps to a pants leg. I tried to affix it with a velcro strap, but it wouldn't stay in place. I really need to learn how to sew. Her costume is finito, and we'll pack tonight. We signed up to join the Saturday parade of costumes through downtown Atlanta, weather permitting, of course.

As befits a teacher in this area, she doesn't have Labor Day off. We'll drive back Sunday.

The convention speeches have been solid, if generally bland, material. The former president once again showed how invigorating a president can be when he can string along three sentences. Biden wasn't bad. Watching the delegates officially name Obama as the nominee was a truly historic moment unfortunately bogged down by theatrical blowhards. The speech tonight (in a football stadium) ought to be incredible.

I have no idea who McCain can pick to rile up energy for his ticket. The lone celebrity Republicans -- Giuliani, Thompson -- are worthless for a national election. Huckabee and Romney are damaged goods. His best bet might have been Condi Rice, but her tenure as state secretary has been lackluster, and she's never held an elected office outside of college. The guy is screwed.

Picture of the Day

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