Your Sister's maternity leave may have begun. She's still suffering from the dizziness, and she's talked to the benefit manager about her sick days. She has more sick days than there are days left in this semester. She's preparing plans for her long-term substitute, and she thinks she'll stay home to grade the big projects and prepare plans for the semesters she's out with Roo.
The dizziness is no fun for her, and her energy is sapped. I think she has a head flu. Her nose is clogged, and her voice is getting squeaky; this happens when she's got a head cold. I think the doctor's medicines are treating symptoms and not the problem. I'm concerned that she'll be stir crazy within a week, especially when she gets over the bug. I've had lingering headiness, but I fight it with junk food and video games. I have a system. It's homeo-pathetic.
I had to back to the office. More specifically, I had to get back to Asheville, where my bank is. I had to deposit a paycheck.
My broken toe is much more an inconvenience than an injury. I've lost no sensation. It's fat and purple and mobile. I feel a dull ache when I walk, but that's it.
Picture of the Day
Back to work. Got my game face on.
sorry about the toe.
hooray asheville!
i'll attempt to diagnose you and heidi as i review every virus known to man today. yipee!
You have until Thursday. No pressure.
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