Having no idea what to do for Your Sister's birthday, she has asked us to shelve any gifts and gestures until the summer school break.
We heard from Gilles and Valerie of the French Rotary Club. Both are filing through their dozens of photos taken here, and Gilles plans to bring his family back to the area for a vacation this summer.
The tide seems to be turning in favor of X3. Major outlets are hailing the film, countering the early buzz by finicky fanboys.
Moving Picture of the Day
This is what it would look like if you repackaged The Ten Commandments as a romantic high-school comedy.
In the news
Bush and Blair offered a communal mea culpa yesterday for their tough talk and assumptions about occupying Iraq. Bush cited his "wanted dead or alive" fatwah on Osama and even the much ballyhooed "bring it on." Bush cited Abu Ghraib as an event that turned the tide, but that allows him to blame soldiers. The inability to back up cowboy swagger is as embarassing and seemingly lethal to his administration. Does anyone have faith that something will occur when he declares it?
+ + +
The new scuttlebutt over the Fitzgerald investigation of the Valerie Plame affair now says columnist Bob Novak (the guy who actually published the CIA agent's name) assured by Karl Rove that Novak wouldn't reveal his source. Another rumor earlier in the week had Cheney testifying against his former aide Scotter Libby. The best the administration can do here is postpone the bad news until after the November elections.
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