Letters to Holly

Tuesday, October 30

Extra Drama

This is happening as I type:

The script calls for the judge to adjourn the court at the end of each act. The director wanted to add a blackout. The back-seat director objected, sparking a long chain of email insults. That was a few weeks back.

So today the director sent out an email to announce we'll go back to the script, and she mentioned the back-seat director was right. He piped in to say he appreciated it and had shrugged off all her insults. And he gave examples of them. Then she responded that she didn't call him a certain word as he claimed. Now they're chain-emailing about who was called what.

Both of these folks are over the age of 60.

Never, never again with this group, I swear to God.

Official play website

Countdown: Three Rehearsals
Countdown: Four Rehearsals
Countdown: Five Rehearsals
Countdown: Six Rehearsals
Countdown: Seven Rehearsals
Clock is Ticking
My Big Speech
Punching a Cop Is Bad, Right?

Act Two Redux
Friday Through Sunday
Getting Serious
Our First Friday
Act Three Lines
Dusting Off Act One
Line Trouble
End of Second Week
'Go and Do Likewise, Gents'
Script Work
Walking and Talking
Marking the Floor


First Night
Second Night
Third Night
Fourth Night


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha. Just wait til someone accidentally stumbles upon your blog. Then the reply-all insults might really start to fly.
Doubt they're search-savvy enough to find it, though.
Is the troupe worthy for show-magnent gifts?

Gregory said...

I'm making a magnet, yeah. I consider it a parting gift.

I can only hope that someone from the email threads gets upset that I'm writing this stuff online. I almost wish that might happen. What will they do, ban me from subsequent productions? Take me out of THIS play?