Letters to Holly

Tuesday, November 27

A Minor Correction

I wrote this yesterday:
4) Brooke seems to have trouble with the new baby, and she's quite the conversationalist.

This is wrong. I meant to say she has no problem with the baby. If not for the occasional feeding, you wouldn't have known there was a new baby in the house. She slept almost the entire time which is normal for this age, I learned. I don't know how much of Brooke's doll play is affected by the baby. I mean, she's almost three. Don't all girls go doll crazy at this age?

I worked on my commentary track experiment for the play DVD. I think I'll have to make two tracks; my DVD player is freezing as the original track got longer. I don't know how practical this is going to be for people to use. I think they'll have to play the DVD and the tracks using separate PC software, and that's clunky design.

Geek Pictures of the Day

The first official image of The Joker from the Batman Begins sequel. Even though I am a card-carrying geeknerd, I don't reflexively flinch from this new design of the character. Batman Begins was the best Batman story I've seen (or read) , and I look forward to seeing what they do in next year's film. Heath Ledger is a fine actor, to boot.

+ + +

In geek developments, the New York Times reports on Gail Simone, the new writer for the Wonder Woman comic. She's the first regular female writer in the franchise's 66-year history. She follows a five-issue fill-in arc by a female novelist, and, having read it, I can tell you she had no business writing the comic. The big companies love bringing in big names from other media, and only a handful have made the shift successfully. The title has veered wildly in quality over the past five years, and this new writer hopefully can right the ship.

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